Brand Extension | Golin + BP

Driving excitement for the London 2012 Summer Olympics at BPAMA

The BP Amoco Marketers Association (BPAMA) is a not-for-profit trade association representing bp branded marketers. In 2012, we had the fun challenge of helping BP and the Golin team plan an exciting event that geared attendees up for the upcoming London 2012 Summer Olympics. Using the Olympics guidelines and the bp guidelines, we carefully crafted all of the signage and event materials.



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Event Materials

Light Wall

We created a custom 20′ x 10′ modular light wall with battery-operated LED light blocks. Each of the blocks was brought to the stage at BPAMA by a local dance troupe, who choreographed a gymnastic-style dance routine to ceremoniously build the wall on stage to form the bp + Olympics + Paralympics logo lockup.

All of the BPAMA attendees were invite to sign the wall at the event. Following the event, we moved the light wall to the bp corporate headquarters lobby in Chicago.

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Light wall being built by gymnasts

BP Pump Game

For a fun, engaging activity at BPAMA, we designed an interactive game that looked like a full sized bp gas pump with an embedded display. Each attendee received a bp “credit card” that they inserted into the pump and won prizes varying from gift cards to an iPad!

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Our fearless leader, Kevin worked hard on site to keep the fun going!

Golin + BP BPAMA bp pump credit card image

Want to pump up your brand?

BPAMA's objective is to strengthen the value of our member’s Brands by delivering increased profits, better returns, and growth through actions we collaboratively bring to our members.